The Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team & DiSC Profile

A breakthrough program proven to deliver business results.


Healthy & Cohesive Team Workshop

One or Two Day On-Site Workshop

A productive, high-functioning team makes better and faster decisions, taps into the skills and opinions of all members, avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion and destructive conflict, avoids wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in. They also create a competitive advantage and are more fun to be on!

Bring your team together to learn how the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive team work together and how to achieve trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.  Also, you will gain an in-depth knowledge of the DiSC profile, your own personal style, the style of your teammates, and how the team can better communicate, collaborate, and build healthy working realtionships.


How Navigate the Journey helps increase the health & effectiveness of teams

Team Journey Workshop

Teams identify the issues holding them back, as well as tangible strategies for action to improve team performance going forward.


Proven leadership assessments & debrief calls help team members achieve greater self-awareness.

Team Coaching

Ongoing coaching to guide leaders through the collective change effort of improving as a team.

Workshop Objectives

  • Develop a deeper trust within your team and communicate through differing styles

  • Develop a deeper trust within your team

  • Learn how to have healthy conflict that leads to breakthrough

  • Understand how to facilitate peer-to-peer accountability

  • Create a culture that commits and focuses on results

  • Understand Your Own Unique DiSC Style along with your teammates

  • Learn how to better lead and communicate through differing styles

  • Learn key tools and techniques to apply in the workplace

  • Become a healthier and more productive team

The Team Journey

The Team Journey process clarifies individual team member’s personality styles, the areas in which Team Health is currently optimized and strategies for action to improve team dynamics.

We customize each Team Journey Workshop to your specific needs, objectives and team size.  Front-end assessments are conducted virtually.  An onsite half or full-day workshop allows us to lead your team into significant self-discovery and to improve team performance.


60 minute virtual meeting

In an initial no obligation call we want to hear the story of your team and your hopes for the future. We also welcome the opportunity for you to get to know us and hear about how our powerful and proven process has helped other teams. This call will allow us to put together a customized proposal for your review.

  • Diagnostic

  • The Process

  • About Us

  • About You

Team Journey Workshop

One Day, Onsite

Teams identify the issues holding them back, as well as tangible strategies for action to improve team performance going forward.

Healthy Team Overview

1. Absence of Trust

If the members of your team do not trust each other then they cannot be totally honest with each other.

2. Fear of Conflict

Without trust, people will not have the healthy debates that are necessary to arrive at better thought through decisions.

3. Lack of Commitment

If your team has not aligned behind a decision then the individual members who did not agree with the final decision will ultimately be less committed to that decision.

4. Avoidance of Accountability

If your team members are not committed to the course of action, then they are less likely to feel accountable themselves or hold other people accountable.

5. Inattention to Results

Consequently, they are less likely to care about the group results and instead focus on achieving their own goals.

Personal Assessment Sharing

Appropriate vulnerability amongst a team is a necessary prerequisite to improving trust. We tailor our approach to determine the best exercises for your team to increase vulnerability and trust.

Group Assessment Overview

The Team Health assessment results are presented and discussed within the framework of the Team Health model.

Strategies for Action

The onsite workshop concludes with summarizing the key action steps we have identified individuals and the team as a whole need to take in order to increase the emotional intelligence and effectiveness of the team.




Time depends on assessment selected, virtual

Prior to the onsite workshop we do a deeper dive into the individuals on the team and the health & cohesiveness of the team overall.

  • Pre-work

  • Understand the needs and desired outcomes


The DiSC profile is a non-judgmental tool used for discussion of people’s behavioral differences. The DiSC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and adapt their behaviors with others - within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships.

Team Health

Typically as preparation for the Team Building workshop we administer a multiple-choice assessment of a team’s health and effectiveness by asking questions that gauge the level of trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability and attention to results.

Note: Virtual Coaching Debrief of each assessment


Team Coaching

As needed, virtual

We can customize coaching packages after completing some combination of the preceding assessments and Team Building Workshops for either individual team members or the team as a whole.

Ready to help your team thrive?

The Five Behaviors Insights