Experience sharing on how to scale your business, grow your team & plan your life.
The Overlooked Power of Simplicity in Business
Southwest Airlines is by far the most successful commercial airline in US history. But Southwest’s beginnings can be traced back to this simple napkin drawing…
Does Your Marketing Strategy Help You Reach Your Ideal Customer?
During the early days of a business, any paying customer is an ideal customer. The reality of trying to make payroll, gain experience and develop a reputation drives many entrepreneurs to accept any paying work that comes their way.
Make Your Business Uniquely Different From the Competition
In their book "Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant" W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne’s divide the world of business competition up into two oceans - red and blue.
Tell a Better Brand Story
The old saying “He who tells the best story wins” has proven true in all areas of life, across the world, and down through the centuries.