
Experience sharing on how to scale your business, grow your team & plan your life.

Leadership Tom Barrett Leadership Tom Barrett

Willful Blindness Eats Strategy For Breakfast

Peter Drucker famously said that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. We find another strategy killer is willful blindness - when people block out the uncomfortable realities of their world. When combined with Jim Collins’ findings in Good to Great around how businesses need to simultaneously confront the brutal facts of their present situation yet never give up hope that they will persevere in the end, confronting the willful blindness that we all have is needed for success in business and life.

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The Importance of Self-Awareness in Leadership

You’ve likely experienced being on a team with a leader that lacks self-awareness. They’re the type that have a difficult time recognizing how their emotions, words and behaviors affect other people. They tend to have difficulty engaging the hearts and minds of those around them. They also usually have a hard time empathizing with others, leading to an inability to “read” other people and often being “misread” by others.

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